
User's Guide: Usage:Examples

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1. simple

Use of sprng without explicit initialization in the simple interface.

2. sprng

Produce random integers and reals: Use of init_sprng, sprng, print_sprng, isprng.

3. sprng_mpi

Use sprng to produce double precision random numbers on multiple processes.

4. fsprng_mpi

Produce single precision random numbers through the use of the FLOAT_GEN macro.

5. seed

Use make_sprng_seed to produce a seed using system date and time information on one process.

6. seed_mpi

Use make_sprng_seed to produce seeds on multiple processes.

7. checkpoint

Pack a stream and checkpoint the state of the computation.

8. message_mpi

Pack a stream and pass it to another process with MPI. Also use free_sprng in the default interface.

9. 2streams_mpi

Use two streams on each process. One stream is common to all the processes; the other is distinct.

10. spawn

Spawn new streams from an existing one through calls to spawn_sprng.

11. invalidid

Demonstrates the handling of invalid stream ID's in the interface with pointer checking.

12. convert

Convert a code that uses a different Random Number Generator to use SPRNG.

13. subroutine

Demonstrates SPRNG use in FORTRAN programs with subroutines.

14. pi-simple

This is a simple Monte Carlo application that estimates the value of PI based on the proportion of points that fall within a circle inscribed in a square.

15. pi-simple_mpi

This is a parallel version of pi-simple in which the work is divided among the available processes.

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