Some SPRNG Users
Last updated: Jun 20 2007
U.S. Research Laboratories
Aeronautical Systems Center Major Shared Resource Center, Department of Defense
Los Alamos National Lab
National Center for Computational Sciences
National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
SDSC: San Diego Supercomputer Center at Univeristy of California San Diego
Foreign Research Labs
Computer Services for Academic Research (CSAR) of UK National High Performance Computing (HPC) Service, United Kingdom
Irish Centre for High-End Computing
SARA Computing & Networking Services, The Netherlands
- SPRNG is installed on SOLO. SOLO is a supercomputer that runs on AIX (Unix).
- SPRNG 2.0 is one of the parallel libraries installed on the TERAS system. Irix.
- SPRNG 2.0 is one of the parallel libraries installed on the LISA system. Debian Linux.
U.S. Universities
Colorado School of Mines
Dartmouth College
Indiana University
Western Michigan University Department of Computer Science
- The PARINT 1.2 Beta package uses SPRNG for Monte Carlo integration rules in a parallel computations.
Univeristy of California - San Diego
University of Delaware
University of Idaho
University of Illinois - Chicago
University of Minnesota at Duluth
Univeristy of Tennessee Space Institute
University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin - Madison
The State University of New York at Buffalo
Foreign Universities
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Central Institute for Applied Mathematics (ZAM), Germany
- Zam uses SPRNG as one of its mathmatical applications.
Hong Kong Baptist University
The French National Institute for Research in Computer Sciences and Control / Institut Natioinal de Recheree en Informatique et Automatique (INRIA)
National Technical University, Greece
University of Catania, Italy
- In the department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SPRNG 4.0 is used in a parallel direct Monte Carlo simulation (over an "MPI Grid") about electron transport in semiconductors.
Software Packages
- Genesis 5 uses SPRNG for one of its math routines.
- Ohmms has been developed to provide object-oriented high-performance solutions for multi-scale materials simulations. It includes SPRNG. Ohmms is developed at National Center for Supercomputing Applications and Materials Computation Center at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and the department of physics, Ohio State University.
- rsprng provides interface to SPRNG APIs, and examples and documentation for its use.
High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks, OpenMosix, and MPI, by Joseph D. Sloan
Random Number Generation and Monte Carlo Methods, Second Edition, by James E. Gentle
Research Paper Published in Medical Physics, September 2004
Research Paper Published in the Brazilian Journal of Physics
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