C C Demonstrates the use of sprng and isprng C A random number stream is initialized and a few random double precision C numbers and a few integers are printed. C C Uncomment the following line to get the interface with pointer checking C #define CHECK_POINTERS program sprngf implicit none #include "sprng_f.h" integer streamnum, nstreams, seed SPRNG_POINTER stream real*8 rn integer irn, i, junk C--- reading in a generator type integer gtype C--- You may not need this. This is for generator type explanation. #include "genf_types_menu.h" print *,'Type in an integer for the generator type: ' read *, gtype C--- streamnum = 0 nstreams = 1 seed = 985456376 C initialize stream stream = init_sprng(gtype, streamnum,nstreams,seed,SPRNG_DEFAULT) print *, 'Print information about new stream:' junk = print_sprng(stream) print *, 'Printing 3 random numbers in [0,1):' do 100 i = 1, 3 rn = sprng(stream) write(*,"(f8.6)") rn 100 continue print *, 'Printing 3 random integers in [0,2^31):' do 200 i = 1, 3 irn = isprng(stream) write(*,"(i16)") irn 200 continue junk = free_sprng(stream) end