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Lagged-Fibonacci Generators


The Additive Lagged-Fibonacci Generator (ALFG) is:
In recent years the ALFG has become a popular generator for serial as well as scalable parallel machines because it is easy to implement, it is cheap to compute and it does well on standard statistical tests [11], especially when the lag k is sufficiently high (such as k = 1279). The maximal period of the ALFG is tex2html_wrap_inline1555 [26, 27] and has tex2html_wrap_inline1557 different full-period cycles [28]. Another advantage of the ALFG is that one can implement these generators directly in floating-point to avoid the conversion from integer to floating-point that accompanies the use of other generators. However, some care should be taken in the implementation to avoid floating point round-off errors [15].

In the previous sections we have discussed generators that can be parallelized by varying a parameter in the underlying recursion. Instead the ALFG can be parameterized through its initial values because of the tremendous number of different cycles. We produce different streams by assigning each stream a different cycle. An elegant seeding algorithm that accomplishes this is described in reference [28].

An interesting cousin of the ALFG is the Multiplicative Lagged-Fibonacci Generator (MLFG). It is defined by:
While this generator has a maximal-period of tex2html_wrap_inline1559, which is a quarter the length of the corresponding ALFG [27], it has empirical properties considered to be superior to ALFGs [11]. Of interest for parallel computing is that a parameterization analogous to that of the ALFG exists for the MLFG [29].

The National Center for Supercomputing Applications

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Last modified: September 16, 1997